Again, this is a platform to share the convictions and reflections on Scripture readings, Church
Teachings, Marian Apparitions, Messages through the Saints, Mystics…
There are lot of messages and teachings about Christ’s return, we do not know all of them are
true or false…
Here, we are not trying to check the authenticity of all these messages, but taking a few, which
are comply to the Catholic Church. We are not going through all the contents of the selected
messages, even though they are great and a must read but presenting it in a structural way
which are found, matching to the specific seven titles on this site. This is not a literature work
but an inspirational sharing, so please understand.
The structure:
Enter- This is the introductory part
Exit 1 to Exit 7 are seven titles,
each seven titles have another seven scrolls. Each scroll has a part of reference on the top to
show from where it has taken and in close to which a reflection part to comment on the
reference above it. This reflection and reference parts might be repeated several times while
updating, like tweets or with four to five sentences in a paragraph style.
Destiny- This is the conclusion part.
For suggestions and corrections email at: admin@interstate495.org
To go to the next page, please close this page and click on EXIT 1.